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– 如周末及公众假期期间使用人数众多,恕或未能招待访客
– 访客必须由一名会员陪同
– 到场及离场时,会员均须为每位同行访客签名登记
– 每个会籍每日最多可携同两位访客使用健身室/游泳池/游乐场
– 每个会籍每日最多可携同六位访客使用球场/活动室

– 访客通行证可透过网上购买 会员健身系统PerfectGym购买
– 电子访客通行证及一组独特辨别码将由康乐部接待处以电邮形式向会员發出
– 会员必须向康乐部接待处出示电子访客通行证,并使用接待处所提供的iPad填妥访客登记表格
– 会员及同行访客将获發入场证或手带
– 健身室 / 游泳池 / 球场 / 动感单车室的入场证须于康乐部接待处领取,而游乐场的手带则须于游乐场接待处领取
– 会员如未于网上购买访客通行证,仍可前往康乐部接待处完成访客登记手续。然而,登记需时或较长
– 会员必须为同行访客于会所内的行为负全责
– 会员必须确保所有入场证于同日归还。延期归还或遗失入场证将会被罚款港币$500(每张入场证计算)

– 所有纸本形式的访客通行证将于2021年6日30日逾期失效



Conditions for Membership

1. Hong Kong Parkview may require further information in respect of your personal information or that of your family members which may be contained in this Membership Application Form from time to time if and when appropriate and necessary to do so.

2. If and when necessary, Hong Kong Parkview may require a fresh Membership Application Form containing the updated account of your Personal Information and your Family Member(s) to be submitted in place of this Membership Application Form.

3. Hong Kong Parkview has absolute discretion to reject any membership application without assigning any reason therefor.

4. Hong Kong Parkview intends to use your personal data and the information contained in this Membership Application Form for direct marketing purposes and in this regard, your consent or approval for such use or purposes (which include your personal information and that of your family members set out or provided in this Form) shall be deemed given UNLESS you indicate your objection by letting us know when you submit the membership application form or email membership@hongkongparkview.com and tell us that you do not wish to receive any news, offers, promotions and marketing offers and materials from Hong Kong Parkview.

5. In any event, Hong Kong Parkview may, nevertheless, disclose your personal information and/or that of your family members as required by law, by any government departments, regulatory authorities, enforcement agencies and courts of competent jurisdiction. Hong Kong Parkview excludes all liability for disclosure of such information under these circumstances.

6. Subject to condition no. 4 above and condition no. 7 below, you may withdraw your consent or approval at any time by writing to our Personal Data Privacy Officer care-of Hong Kong Parkview, 88 Tai Tam Reservoir Road, Hong Kong.

7. You have the right to request in writing to the Personal Data Privacy Officer of Hong Kong Parkview from time to time: –
a) for access to your personal information and/or that of your family members being held by Hong Kong Parkview;
b) requiring Hong Kong Parkview to correct your personal information and/or that of your family members which may be inaccurate or become obsolete; and
c) withdraw your consent to the use of your personal information and/or that of your family members (such withdrawal may, however, affect our services to you).

All such requests will be handled promptly in accordance with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Please note that Hong Kong Parkview may charge a reasonable fee for processing your said requests.

8. All enquiries over this membership should be sent to Membership Department, Hong Kong Parkview, 88 Tai Tam Reservoir Road, Hong Kong.

9. In any event of doubt, the contract will refer to “Hong Kong’s Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486)”.

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